Technical characteristics of cars, fuel consumption, and specifications 2025
Characteristics.info - the best guide on the Internet for choosing a new car. Our catalog has more than 40000 models of cars, which drive on the roads near you.
For those who have not yet made up their mind about choosing a new car, you can sort more than 1000 cars from fuel consumption to the size of the trunk.
On this page you can see the characteristics of the car you are interested in by clicking on the brand icon then choose the generation and model.
You can also select the prepared filters on the icons below. If you want to see only the selection of a certain brand go to the brand button and there click the appropriate filter.
Popular Filters
Select the filter you are interested in, if you only want to see the selection for a specific car brand - first go to the brand page and then select the desired filter.

Select the brand you are interested in
Top 10 of the most popular cars according to our users
On our platform we collect statistics on which cars are looked at most often. We have collected for you the most interesting cars in this list according to our users.
You can choose one of the cars and see detailed specifications comparing them with other cars.